Welcome to the international Barbet studs website.
On this site we like to present Barbet males who are available for breeding. Every dog has its own page. You can select by name or country.
The website is free and open for all. We do not screen the offers, but publish everything without judging. The only restrictions is that the male should be at least 12 months. Both parties (male and female) are responsible for making sure all requirements are met before any actual breeding.
Thank You Karen for all your work, setting up the studslist. And we as the new team will try to maintain the list ,and add new stud information so soon as possible.
We would like to invite you to sign up when you have a male Barbet ready, or ready to be, for breeding. Hopefully this site can contribute to breeders and male Barbet owners in their search to find the perfect match!
Interested? Visit the join-us! page
The website is not responsible for the information presented nor for any breeding results.