Von den Tiroleralpen, Bradley Prion

Name:  Bradley Prion van den Tiroleralpen   
Born:    03-10-2019
Contact: Karin Prior
Email: prionbarbet@gmail.com 

(Details are not verified by www.barbetstuds.com)
Hips: A/A
ED: 0/0
Size: 24 kg and 57cm
Colour: Brown, EE +at/a, D-Locus : clear
Eyes: prcd-PRA clear
MydogDNA available

IHA Tulln 2020 2 x V1, Austrian Junior Champion

Prion is working as a therapy dog
Traffic examination

Substantial male in suitable size and proportion, excellent, breed typical coat, masculine head with correct details, straight, firm back, age-appropriate well-formed fore chest, stable front, correct angulations, steady, lively forward, friendly behaviour

Prion is calm, social at home and at work. His stable character leads him through unexpected situations. He loves to train and is in education to become a therapy dog. Hunting skills are available but are implemented more playfully. Prion is an absolute asset to our life and we don’t want to be without him for a day