Di Amaretto Nero, Sherman

Sherman Di Amaretto Nero
Born: 2-9-2021
Contact: Audrey Cadart-Hochard
Email: hochardaudrey59@gmail.com
Located: France

(details are not verified by www.barbetstud.com)
Hips: A
Size: 28.5 kg, 60 cm
Correct scissor bite and complete denture
Prcd-PRA: clear
vWD1: clear
D-Lokus: clear
E-Lokus: E/E
S-Lokus: S/sp
K-Lokus: Kb/Kb
DNA profile available

Sherman is a friendly and happy dog, he loves to play with children, adults and other dogs. Forest hikes are his favorite and when he is at the beach he loves to swim.

– 2ème très prometteur puppy à EDS de Paris 2022.
– 2ème excellent jeune au concours international de Douai 2022